The CNH Spotlight on Service Program was created by the Service Projects Committee to promote International and District initiatives as well as to encourage active participation with organizations/initiatives. The Service Projects Committee will provide monthly guides that include tips and ideas on how clubs can complete the monthly service initiatives. Check out the monthly guides below to get some ideas for your club's service projects.

The program also gives clubs the opportunity to showcase their unique service projects that positively impacts their home, school, and community. The Spotlight on Service Program would like to receive project submissions from the District to showcase projects from the previous month in the District Newsletter.  Receive recognition and inspire someone with your creative project ideas.


Project Submission Process

Clubs must submit their project through an electronic form. This form is very easy to complete and is due by the 5th of each month for the previous month. If you are planning on submitting pictures, please send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view Please remember that we like action pictures of members doing service, not posing.

SOSP 2024-2025 Monthly Focus
SOSP 2023-2024 Monthly Focus
SOSP 2022-2023 Monthly Focus
SOSP 2021-2022 Monthly Focus
SOSP 2020-2021 Monthly Focus
SOSP 2019-2020 Monthly Focus

SOSP 2018-2019 Monthly Focus


SOSP 2017-2018 Monthly Focus
