Hygiene Kit Making

AS, Escondido High School, D37E

Escondido High School assembled hygiene kits for the homeless on Monday, May 22. At this event, the members created baggies filled with helpful items such as soap, shampoo, sunscreen, etc, in order to donate to the Salvation Army to distribute out to the homeless. This event went surprisingly fast, with 100 bags being filled in only 15 minutes! This event couldn’t have been done without the grant they received from Dave Schmitt through the help of our Kiwanis advisor, Mike Montanari. A big thanks to the 27 members that came to help, as well as Kiwanis President Ron and incoming president Gene. This event was a big success and they’re looking forward to making many more hygiene kits for the homeless in the future!D37E Hygeine Kits 2D37E Hygeine Kits 3D37E Hygeine Kits 1