Toys For Tots
AL, Piedmont Hills, D12E
Ended finals off with Toys for Tots has to be one of the best events to finish the season. Many Kiwanis members and the Mayor of Milpitas came to support this event! I even met the Mayor’s granddaughter, Jojo. As volunteers filed into the Piedmont Hills Library, we met were met with Kiwanians and tables filled with tape, scissors, and, most importantly, gift wrap. A few brave volunteers went outside into the cold weather to get the toys. As the trucks, plushies, and other children’s presents started to flow into the library, we began wrapping like crazy. As it was a very chill event, most of it was with conversations with friends, and I spoke a lot with Jojo. We compared MHS to PHHS and finals season. Interestingly, I found that MHS was released one day before us and even started school later! As the event progressed and wrapping began to slow, we played a brief Kahoot game Ms. Murray graciously hosted. Winners received Christmas necklaces. Unfortunately, I did not win, but it was a lovely break. Free pizza was also provided, so I feasted on that when the volunteers from earlier went to get more gifts. Many toys were not rectangular, so they were a struggle to wrap, but in the end, all were (for the most part) wrapped nicely for the children of Overfelt and James Lick. Overall, it was a relaxing way to end school after a stressful finals season, and I would recommend this event to any member for next year!